So you've decided to begin strength training. I'm very happy for you.
The thing is, you need to get a basic foundation of strength before you get on the fast track, which is 5x5 strength training.
The way to do that is not through lifting light weights. The best kind of beginner strength training is using body weight exercises. There are only three movements you need to master.
- keep your body straight and tight. Flex your abs.
- go down as deep as you can without pain. Only sissies go till their elbows are at 90 degrees.
- never lock your elbows at the top.
- squat below parallel. Go as low as you can. This is to build up strength and flexibility.
- keep your lower back straight. Flex your abs.
- keep your heels on the ground. Push from them.
- flex your butt. It helps to power out from the bottom position, especially if squats are hard for you.
- bend your knees just enough to be comfortable. No need to touch your butt with your heels.
- keep your torso straight, no bending anywhere. Look at a point above you and move your shoulders toward it.
- the range of motion is really small. Any more and you would be doing a sit-up.
For push-ups, aim for ten sets of ten repetitions each. Build up to fifteen push-ups for ten sets. If you can't do proper push-ups yet, do them on your knees. When you can do 20 of those, do the full push-up. Build them up until you can do ten.
For squats, add two for every push-up you can do. Thirty squats for ten sets is your goal.
For crunches, shoot for 25 for three sets.
How do you do these exercises? Do one set of push-ups and one set of squats with little to no rest in between them. Rest only after squats. Do this ten times. And then, do your three sets of crunches with a minute or so rest in between sets.
Work out three times a week, with one or two days in between workouts. Rest and recovery is very important for any strength training routine!
So there you have it, a solid starting point for your strength training routine. Once you can do the workout in thirty minutes or less, you can go for 5x5 - the ultimate strength training program.
Until then, you will be impressed by the progress you will be making. Finishing that workout in twenty minutes is a very encouraging achievement.
So, now that you know how to get started on training for strength, let's get it on!